Thank goodness for the baby. If it wasn't for her I probably wouldn't have gotten out of bed in time for work these past few days. She's usually up an hour before I am, and during that time, she bides her time waiting for me to wake up. If the door to the bedroom is open, she'll head out to play in the living room but will wander in and out of the bedroom to check if I'm awake. If the door is closed, she'll sit and watch and occasionally get up for a close up inspection. And how does the baby inspect? By sniffing and licking my face to see if I'm awake. If I react, she'll jump up and down on my torso while unleashing a torrent of licks all over my face, arms (as I try to protect my face from her tongued assault), and hands. Most of the time I'll play dead just so she'll leave me alone until the next inspection. Anyway, thank goodness for her insistence that I get up cuz my alarm and willpower aren't cutting it.
After she got me up this morning, we played a quick game of fetch and then ate our respective breakies -- chickum and kibble for her, multi-grain Cheerios for me. While she was busy sunning herself, I snuck off for a quick shower. She must've been sun-deprived from yesterday (heavy rainstorm = no sun) cuz she was sun-worshiping with the fervor of a born-again. The only time she got up was when she realized I was leaving. Not that she was that upset, but rather she knows now that my leaving meant that we were about to play "hide the treats".
Speaking of food, the baby ate all her kibbles today. That is, she finished her replenished kibble bowl just a short while ago for her (almost) midnight snack. I don't think it was
our walk from tonight since we didn't go for as long as we normally do. Perhaps it was her yump party about an hour ago. The amount she put out makes it possible for one to believe that she pretty much cleaned out her system and was therefore able to take in some additional food.
In any case, a special treat for the baby's fans. Here's a video taken a little earlier this evening after the baby and I returned from our walk -- be ready to be awed by her athleticism: