Today was marked by the baby's continued upset stomach. I knew she/we was/were in for a tough day when I first heard the churn-y, squirty sounds emanating from her tummy. The day proceeded as such: She'd rest, then we'd play, and then she'd look kinda confused and shortly thereafter she would disappear. If I ever wondered where she'd gone, all would be explained by the squirty, squishy sounds coming from the bathroom. I'd have to be careful and listen for my cue to enter -- that is, the sound of her paws scratching on her wee pad -- or else she might run out of the bathroom with stuff stuck to her bum. Once I didn't follow her quickly enough and she ran out to the living room wherein she began to do her butt-scoot. And that was the second (of three) Flor tiles that I had to clean today. Some days, like today, I'm ever so thankful that I went with Flor as opposed to a regular rug. So.Thank.Ful.
Sadly for the baby she has had nothing to eat today but Nutri-cal. She hated it. Absolutely loathed it with every inch of her teeny frame. But what can she do. Nothing, that's what. And the reason is because I don't want her keeling over from hypoglycemia cuz she didn't eat all day.
Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for her (and the Flor tiles).
Meanwhile, Memphis is his happy-go-lucky self; and he may have been even happier than usual because he didn't have to share any of his wet food. He did, however, have a bad kitty moment tonight when he tried to steal the baby's dinner.