The baby had a rough morning.
I woke up a little before 7 a.m. when the baby woke me with some really loud retching sounds that made it past my earplugs. In the few moments that it took me to organize my thoughts and focus my eyes she had already finished throwing up on the bed. Luckily for me, it was clear -- no foodstuff from the previous evening. After cleaning and scrubbing for a bit, I went back to bed for a few more minutes, but alas, the baby started back up with some more retching and again threw up some clear liquid. Sensing the futility of going back to bed, I roused myself and upon seeing this the baby bounded into the living room with her tail wagging. Per usual, she got down in a play pose beside her bone. We played for a bit before I went into the b-room to brush my teeth. However, while brushing, I heard a now familiar retching sound coming from the living room. Upon entering, I saw the baby throwing up some foamy white mess. If she didn't look so pathetic I'd probably have taken a picture because she looked like she had a little white beard due to having 1/2 of the foamy throw up sticking to her mouth and lower lip. By this point, she no longer looked playful but rather sad. After I cleaned her and the floor up, I returned to the b-room to spit out my toothpaste; but it wasn't long before I heard some more retching sounds. This time the baby was seated on the couch and looking quite sad. While I cleaned her up, her body started convulsing again but nothing came out. I tucked her into her blanket because she'd started shivering.
All throughout I'd been googling her condition to see if it was indicative of something serious. One of the postings said that dogs sometimes throw up because their stomachs are empty. I've definitely experienced this with the baby, so I started to prepare her breaky. However, when the time came to eat she didn't interested at all; her ears hung back as she continued to shiver. The only thing she seemed to want was for company. We sat together for a while as I tried to figure out if I could do my work remotely. Today was a very bad day in terms of deadlines, but with the baby looking as pitiful as she did I didn't want to leave her alone. Luckily, with remote computing and my cellphone I think the day went ok.
The baby did eventually eat a little chickum a few hours after I first prepared her breaky. I'd been trying to get her to drink some water by wetting my hand for her to lick. As a general matter, I do worry about dehydration and hypoglycemia when she doesn't eat and drink regularly because she's so little. Anyway, while trying to get her to lick my hand I noticed that she seemed to be sniffing it which indicated that she might be hungry. She didn't seem interested when I put her food bowl by her, but she did eat the bits that I fed to her by hand. She seemed much better after eating some food, so much so that soon thereafter she began licking my toes for attention. After unsuccessfully stalking me by sitting directly underneath the computer desk and looking straight up at me, she retired to the couch for a nap -- which is where she is currently.