I'm coming out of the shower and hearing all this honking, and wondering what the hell is going on -- thinking perhaps that the rain from Hannah had started and that people were just being the idiots they usually are when there's any sort of precipitation. Out of curiosity (and mild annoyance because of the CONSTANT honking) I took a look out the window and see a lot of cars backed up on Schermerhorn because police tape had blocked off Boerum Place. At first I thought that there was roadwork; because of the near constant roadwork (tearing up the street, paving, tearing, repaving, repeat). Then taking a closer look up the street, I saw that the entire box around Livingston/Boerum Place had been blocked up because of this (click picture for a larger image):

I hope the cyclist is ok. That intersection really is the intersection from hell. It's simply too big for a pedestrian or a cyclist to feel safe while crossing. I'm surprised more accidents do not occur there. Since living here I've seen lots of near misses with pedestrians, a few fender-benders, one pedestrian who's actually been struck by a turning car, and now this. I hope that with all the roadwork that someone at the NYC DOT will fix this -- doubt it, but I do hope that something happens.
UPDATE: It turns out
the accident was fatal, and the victim was an 8 y.o. boy. I couldn't see it, but it seems that the kid's bike was underneath the truck. The bike that I saw in the far corner was his dads. So sad.
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