The baby tried, rather futilely, to wake me up this morning. Not that I was sleeping in late -- 8:30 a.m.; but since she'd been hopping up and down on me for a while, I'm sure she'd been up for hours. Not surprisingly, I was greeted by a nicely formed nugget of yump and a large puddle of sinkle upon my entry to the b-room. I'm so glad that the baby hits the mark these days. I would hate to have to start cleaning as soon as I wake up. Anyway, no doubt the baby had a light night since she'd been
EXTREMELY curious about our new guest.
KJ and BP had brought one of their feline foundlings up to us yesterday in the hopes of finding him a forever home. I'd been thinking about getting the baby a four-legged companion, so I thought that we'd give the kitty a try. His name is Memphis and he's a large kitty whose coat is primarily black but has white flecks throughout. Although his weight is only double that of the baby's (he's 12 lbs), size-wise, he's probably 3x as large as the baby. I hope he doesn't mistake her for prey. *worries*
Anyway, I've been staying at home trying to keep an eye on them so that nothing bad happens. So far, not much has happened. The baby is curious and gets very excited upon seeing Memphis. Meanwhile, Memphis has been keeping his distance and hiding out under various pieces of furniture. The few times they've come face to face, Memphis has hissed at the baby. I'm not such a fan of the hissing, and hope that it will end soon if only for the fact that he has horribly wretched breath.
To help Memphis settle in, the baby and I took a couple of walks this morning to leave him to explore his new surroundings. First we
dropped off KJ and BP at their car; and then we took a
longer walk around the Heights. It was very windy, but the baby didn't seem to notice. I was quite proud of her as she carried on during without seeming to notice the body-buffeting winds (esp. along the Promenade). Maybe one day Memphis can join us on our walks, but first we'll need to get him and the baby to get a little friendlier with each other -- or at least to a state of détente.