Monday, November 17, 2008

B.R. 11/17/08

The baby and I are looking forward to the day that Memphis can be let loose -- in the apartment that is. The reason for wanting to set him loose? Sleep. Memphis LOVES to roam around at night, scratching this and that, and jumping here and there. Enn says it's because the freaks come out at night. Tble. Anywhoo, because the baby is a nosey little thing, she *has* to check out what he's doing. And because she needs to launch herself in whatever direction from which then noise is emanating, I get a little kick on my tummy/head/arm/leg/etc. because she's usually sleeping right next to me. This in turn results in very little sleep for me, which is having terrible effect on my already sorry eyes. My eyes have been getting so googly by the end of the day that they I feel a little like poo. Not to mention, things like what happened this morning happens. And what happened? Well, I somehow mixed up their food and fed the baby Memphis's food and Memphis the baby's food. Oops. Luckily, nothing too horrible happened except for a bout of d for the baby. Hee. Sorry.

Anyway, I think Memphis is ready to be set free from his prison. They kinda, sorta "played" this morning, so I gave them a test of mingling unsupervised while I took a shower. Hearing no yelps while I was away and seeing no blood upon my return, I thought it'd be safe to leave them alone for the day. Everyone was in one piece, and no one looked psychologically scarred, so I think it was a success. Thank goodness, cuz I don't know how much longer I could've taken Memphis's *scratch*scratch* in the middle of the night.

Btw, what does he think he's achieving with all that scratching? I think someone ought to tell him that he's not doing a very good job covering up his business if he's reaching his paws *out* of his litter box to scratch OUTside the box.

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