Tuesday, April 21, 2009


So scared.

She looks so scared.

Well, who wouldn't... especially when Enn takes her shoes and socks off.

Poor baby and her superior olfactory skills.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

B.R. 4/18/09 --Sunny Edition

The baby and Memphis were somewhat upset with me this morning since I didn't wake up until a few hours after I should've -- well, what do they expect when I didn't get to bed until after 4 a.m.? Anyway, their annoyances melted when I finally roused myself and started playing their respective games. That is, fetch with the baby and string on a stick with Memphis; though I think Memphis could've done without the game as he seemed mostly interested in getting some food (he quit playing as soon as he saw me grab his food bowl). After a quick breaky and a showee for me, the baby and I went for a walk to enjoy our early blast of Spring.

It was a beautiful day out, and the baby and I had a terrific time seeing everyone and their piaps out. It's hard to believe that it was like this just a few weeks ago:

That said, we had to cut our walk somewhat short because someone wasn't used to the heat and exertion and was panting even before we hit our first mile. Said someone is currently napping -- after she had a treat and some water first, of course.

Monday, April 13, 2009

B.R. 4/13/09 -- a fruity day

Thanks to the baby I awoke nice and early this morning. I dunno why but she's taken to waking up with the sun, and then insisting that I wake up shortly thereafter. Lucky she's cute (and I wanted to get up early) or else I'd have chucked something at her. As always she was very excited to see me up and about, and proceeded to jump back onto the bed to lick Memphis in the face so as to share the joy with him. After a rousing game of fetch (baby) and string on a stick (Memphis), we had breaky and then everyone except for me proceeded to nap in the sun. Of course, the baby, being the baby and a dog and therefore always up for some snacking, managed to rouse herself briefly so as to partake in some of my pear; masticated of course. This seemed to be the theme of the day -- eat some fruit with the baby -- because later in the afternoon, the baby insisted on sharing some of my orange, and then tonight, some strawberries. Memphis, however, showed zero interest in anything that's not chicken, fish, beef, or some derivation thereof.

The baby had a nice walk today. Though I think I'll need to ease her back into the whole "walking outside" thing as she's super skittish whenever we run into another dog; even more so than she was last year. As soon as we see another piap, her ears go back, her tail tucks, and she slinks behind me -- even if the other piap is across the street (!) I dunno, but we'll definitely have to work on that.

In the meantime, here's the baby looking rather presidential:

Not to be outdone, here's Memphis giving me his best serious face:

Friday, April 10, 2009

Second Walk of '09

I forgot to map our inaugural walk so we're starting coverage for the baby's ambulations with her second walk of '09. Whut.

Here's a pic of our route and a shot of the baby enjoying the outdoors -- click for a larger image:

All in all we covered about 2.25 miles, and revisited many of our favorite blocks. We also managed to make a pit stop on Montague to buy the baby a new harness as she seems to have grown this past winter so that her old harness has become somewhat snug against her expanding ribs. Along the way, the baby's presence elicited many gasps and cooing sounds from passersby, as well as interest of many small children. Re: other piaps? The baby managed to snub the attention of one mystery-doo, one king charles spaniel, and one dachshund who we actually ran into twice during our foray outside. So some things haven't changed.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Making It Her Own

The baby has an uncanny knack at recognizing things that are hers, such as the new toy that I just bought for her, or the treat that just came in the mail. Another thing she's really good at is making things her own.

I did a bit of laundry today. When I took it out of the dryer, guess who moved in and made it her own -- that's right, the baby:

Monday, April 6, 2009

Condolences to Markie Post

Condolences to Coach Sherrie Coale, a/k/a Markie Post, and the Lady Sooners for not making it to the finals of the NCAA Women's Basketball finals. She and her team expended a fantastic effort and I'm sorry to see them go. That said, this definitely leaves Coach Coale with more time for her other career.