The baby and Memphis were somewhat upset with me this morning since I didn't wake up until a few hours after I should've -- well, what do they expect when I didn't get to bed until after 4 a.m.? Anyway, their annoyances melted when I finally roused myself and started playing their respective games. That is, fetch with the baby and string on a stick with Memphis; though I think Memphis could've done without the game as he seemed mostly interested in getting some food (he quit playing as soon as he saw me grab his food bowl). After a quick breaky and a showee for me, the baby and I went for a walk to enjoy our early blast of Spring.
It was a beautiful day out, and the baby and I had a terrific time seeing everyone and their piaps out. It's hard to believe that it was like this just a few weeks ago:

That said, we had to cut our
walk somewhat short because someone wasn't used to the heat and exertion and was panting even before we hit our first mile. Said someone is currently napping -- after she had a treat and some water first, of course.
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