The baby was a v good girl last night and this morning. Also, I'm proud to announce that she has not had a sinkle accident in many a moon. In fact, she's been spot on and I'm loving it. That said, I was a little worried last night and this morning because she did not have a b.m. all day yesterday. Worried because I was afraid that she was going to have a poo party once i left the apt today. Luckily the baby had a yump shortly before I left that was mostly on the pad -- one little bit was left dangling off. I had anticipated that she had another big yump in her somewhere and had hoped that she wouldn't make too much of a mess while I was at work. When I left this morning she gave me many a dramatic look and seemed v sad because i would not engage her in a game of fetch even though she kept trying to entice me by getting down in her play pose. It wasn't until she saw me put my pants on did she realize that I wasn't going to play. Only then did she retreat to her pillow and look at me with hang dog eyes.
Upon returning this evening, I went directly to the b-room to check out the baby's output for the day. Luckily for me, the baby made it on her pad and I did not see any unsightly streaks anywhere on the sofa, her pillow or the rug. She is a wonderfully considerate girl, or can be anyway.
Sometimes she's a little demanding re: fetch. Here's her staring at me throughout my entire dinner -- I don't recall seeing her blink:

She finally relented with the staring when she agreed to join me on the couch for some popcorn. Then after some tv and popcorn, we played what else, but fetch. The baby is relentless.
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