The baby could not have known at the time, but Enn was due back today. It was reported that upon seeing Enn, although the baby took a few moments to orient herself, she was quite beside herself and did a circle dance of joy. She also rolled about the couch and exposed her stummy for some scratching. This is something that she has taken to only recently. It used to be that she would hop on her leggies and do a bear dance upon one's return to the apt, but nowadays she's all about the couch rolling and tummy showing:

As you can see, I had to cover up for the baby for her pose is not the most modest.
Currently the baby is shivering in my arms because she has just taken a bath. It's not her favorite activity, but I think she'll appreciate it because she was starting to smell like a little pound puppy and doing the i'm-itchy-stray-pup-hind-leggie-scratches. Now she has her head down and her eyes closed as she's lying against me. Of course she's still shivering. She is ridic, but that's the baby.
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