Anyway, since the baby refused to eat her breaky I tried offering her some other items that I know she liked if only to get something into her empty stummy. 1/2 egg yolk - yes. Chickpeas - no. Yogurt - no. Apple - no. Oh well, at least she ate the yolk. Or so I thought. An hour later what does the baby do but barf up a foamy yellow concoction. After that I laid off the food and did not feed the baby anything until 1) her stummy settled, and 2) she got rid of whatever needed to come out.
After a couple of bouts of squirty yump, the baby stummy seemed a bit more settled. All throughout the day, though, despite not feeling up to par, the baby still had fetch on her mind. I figured it couldn't hurt and was a sign that she wasn't feeling that horrible, so I obliged.
It wasn't until earlier this evening did the baby finally feel well enough to want to eat. She let me know this by sniffing and licking the area around her food bowl. Sure enough, when I got out her food, the baby did her usual circle dance of joy. She gobbled it up, and although her stummy is still making some squirty noises she's otherwise ok. In fact, she's taking a little nap as I type this. A little twitch, twitch nap.
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