Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Reason 93 (not in order of importance) as to why I do not miss the MTA

Not having to deal with random screamers:

That said, I'm surprised to see the identity of the screamer in the video. I used to see her all the time, at least once or twice a week, on the 4/5 between Brooklyn and midtown; but never heard her say more than her usual script of "sorry to disturb you, I don't smoke, do drugs, etc., but am homeless and need your help..." etc. Actually, I never saw her sit. A relatively mild-mannered panhandler as compared to other panhandlers on the MTA system, she was always moving from one end of the car to the other as she repeated her script. From the announcement towards the end it sounds like she was on her usual route of the 4/5. I wonder what pushed her over the edge, that is, other than her mother.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

That's not a Q-Tip

For some other troubling (though I suppose a q-tip stuck in a bird's posterior is probably more troubling than what's pictured) as well as some cute in a non-disturbing-way photos go here.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Thinking waay too much about food, but I'm not the only one

Sometimes I wonder if I spend too much of my waking hours thinking about what I'm going to be eating next -- something that the B, Memphis and I have in common (though in their case, I hope they aren't wondering as much because really there isn't that much variety in what they're eating day-to-day).

Anyway, I think that's why I enjoy food blogs so much because those freaks are even more food-obsessed than me. Also, every once in a while I'll see something like the chart to the right that makes me smile (even if most of the food offered by these joints are strictly verboten). Still, it's a fun trip down the choose-your-own-adventure-memory-lane.

The original post appeared here.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

B.R. 11/14/09 -- WPB Green Market

After procrastinating for the past three weeks, Olive and I finally made it to the West Palm Beach Green Market. Here's our route. The market is at Second and Narcissus, i.e. the highlighted square.

We were pleasantly surprised. It was bigger -- about two blocks long -- and more varied than I'd been expecting. There were stands selling farm-fresh produce, as as well as local products from honey (!) and alligator meat (which while intriguing made me sad nonetheless). The B was pleasantly surprised that although there were a lot of people and dogs, the ones that we met were all very well-behaved and generally her size. There's nothing the B likes better than to boss around another small dog. That's just how she is.

While there, the B and I shared a berry smoothie; and although she expressed interest in my conch fritters, I was not inclined to share them. Since I'd skipped breakfast, I'd thought about getting something pastry-ish at the green market, but figured that while in Rome.... The fritters were quite tasty, especially when I added, at the insistence of the vendor, "mama's special secret sauce". I don't know whose mama made that sauce or what made it so special secret but it was special delicious.

On our way home, we stopped over at Meyer Amphitheater where the B tried to sniff out the remaining fritters while I people watched:

Generally, the other animals we see on our walks, besides other people out walking their piaps, are small geckos and stray cats, though we only see the latter when we cross the parking lot of this nearby church. There is this boil of hawks (I think though they could be vultures -- it's hard to tell since they're so far away) that I see circling this one particular building downtown, but that's for another day. Anyway, as I was saying, we generally see only a few types of animals, which is why it was so startling when this bird hopped out of a bush right next to us and flew a few feet away to parking lot:

It looks like a cattle egret, but I'm no expert.

That's one thing I haven't gotten used to down there. There are no pigeons, but rather egrets and hawks (maybe vultures).

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The B's plan for New Year's

Enn reports:

"the B fully excepts to have on a new year's hat, noisemaker, and champagne to ring in the new year. she's even planning to have memphis draw decorative patterns on her fur w/ elmer's glue (using his 2 paws) and then she'll roll around in glitter. i think the baby is hoping he will draw hearts, stars, and snowflakes – but he'll probably draw only things he likes: fish, poo, etc. won't the baby be shocked when she looks in the mirror after rolling around in the glitter."

Now, I had some questions about the B's plans:

Me: where is she going to get elmer's glue?

Enn: from a CVS, she says.

Me: and why wouldn't she and memphis just use wet food as the glue?

Enn: b/c she has more class than that, she says.

Guess I got told.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Mysteriously Balding Bear

Not as sad as sad rat>, but pretty sad nonetheless... I give you the mysteriously balding bears of the Leipzig Zoo -- well, one anyway:

I hope their keepers provide them with some coats for the oncoming winter, and maybe some faux skin rugs.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Big Head

Baby Shannon has a big head.


It's true.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

One of the best (and saddest) Gothamist thread ever

About a rat trapped (and died) while trying to make it out of a crack in a sidewalk on the UWS:

Try as I could, I couldn't help but laugh at some of the photoshopped pix of Sad Rat here and here. The Larry King one is classic.

RIP Sad Rat.

I hope you died a quick death.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Random Look-a-like

Perez Hilton and Jonathan Holmes.


Um, that's why it's random.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The B's failed attempt to stay awake

On our way back from Jupiter, the B, in a failed attempt to stay awake so as to keep an eye on me and Enn, fell asleep with her head in a very awkward position -- with her head twisted backwards. She actually fell asleep with her head hanging out of her carrier. If she wasn't so cute, she'd be ridiculous.

Actually, I should say that she's ridiculous, but thank goodness she's so cute because if she wasn't she'd be even more ridiculous.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

TARP -- the movie!

Who wants to see Elizabeth Warren being played by Maggie Gyllenhaal??? I know I do. I mean, they're like twins -- practically.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

So very very wrong

I don't recall what it was that I was reading when I came across this weird site that had matching slutty outfits for women and their dogs. Now I'm all for empowering women to express their sexuality, even for those who use Halloween as their excuse to be extra ho-y. That said, there's got to be a line drawn. What weirdo would want to slut up their dogs in matching outfits??? And what kinda site would promote such a site with pics like the ones below (esp the one on the left -- ewww):

Now I'm sure some would say that it's all harmless fun, and that the dogs don't know any better. Well, I'm not so convinced that's true. This particular pup below seems to be know that something don't seem right:

Those are "help me" eyes if I've ever seen them.

Monday, October 12, 2009


It's been a while since I've posted. I could blame it on the general upheaval caused by the relocation, but that's only part of it. The truth of the matter is that sometimes I can be as lazy as the laziest loaf-about you've ever met. So, upheaval + laziness = no posts. Oh well. That's what you get for free entertainment.

Anyway, here's a shot from tonight -- about 20 mins ago:

The only thing that's changed in the intervening time is that Olive somehow moved herself even further away from Memphis so that she could be closer to my foot. I dunno how she did it, esp. since she never got up or unfurled herself or did anything else that would have been necessary to effect such a move. She's got some piappy mojo, either that or she managed to learn how to take flight with those chicken wing legs of hers.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Hypocrites are bad, but liars are worse

It's been over a month since the Queen of Locovores, Alice Waters, announced to the world that out of all the foods she would choose as her last meal shark fins soup. This in itself was somewhat amusing giving Ms. Water's philosophy of eating locally; and it would've been just that if she'd left it there. However, when Anthony Bourdaine quipped that this was not "local", she responded, "[n]ow, I don't know, I've never gone out there, but we know there's sharks off the California coast. I'd be getting someone to take those fins off." Um, ok. So, shed get someone to go cut off fins from sharks just so she can have someone make her some shark fin soup???

Unsuprisingly, the hypocrisy of her response, not to mention the inhumane tone of it, landed her in hot PR water.

And here is where I get really annoyed.

Through a press relase through the Humane Society, Ms. Waters claimed that she'd only recently learned that "every year tens of millions of sharks, their fins brutally sliced off, are thrown back into the ocean to die." Um, Alice, wasn't this very thing you said you had wanted someone to do for you? Not to mention, how believeable is that that a well-traveled and experienced chef, esp. one in SF with its sizeable Chinese population, didn't know where shark fins come from?

It's one thing to say something surprisingly ignorant, it's another to later lie about it. The lying really gets me. That's probably why I had such a visceral reaction upon seeing her photo for an article she'd written about her start-up days in SF. Goodness I wanted to punch that smiling face of hers.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Vandalism I can Support

and my favorite:


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Just when I was ready to call bulls***

It turns out that the story about "man saving baby falcon" was in fact true. Apologies to the AP for a story that I for certain thought was bulls*** especially since all the local outlets replicated the same AP feed with no additional reporting.

That is, until today.

The NY Post ran this lovely follow-up about our little friend, Alice, (pictured here) who is certain to learn that revenge is a dish best served cold.

Watch out sky rats, your time is near!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

B.R. 8/15/09 -- Nanerbread

It's been a while since the last baby report, but I'm happy to report that both the baby and MisterMister are doing just fine. In fact, the b has just returned from a two-night slumber party at Enn's. While there, the b had a wonderful time getting a full-on lint roll massage that lifted her away her excess hair and left her coat feeling soft and plush. She also enjoyed a relaxing walk that took her around the many sights in the downtown area. The only part of her slumber party that she did not seem to like was when Ames and Enn made nanerbread. For some reason the making of nanerbread was disturbing enough to her that she hid underneath Enn's bed. Maybe she thought that Enn was going to try to feed her all that chocolate like she did with the grapes. Anyway, I'm sure MisterMister would be proud to hear that the b picked up on this littl trick of his.

Speaking of MisterMister, I think he enjoyed not having to compete with the b for attention, or having the b lick his face. Oh well, maybe one day the b will win him over.

Live baby report: The baby is curled up on a pillow with semi-closed eyes. MisterMister is behind my head, resting on the back of the sofa. Max, a puppy who lives down the hallway, is getting his nightly lecture, "Max! Maaax! Maaaax!"

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Stuff that I thought was obvious...

Example number 1: When we refer to someone as “yellow”, we consider them to be what? Not a trick question people; but evidently for one child it was rather tricky. I wonder if the set got a little chilly after that.

Example number 2: What does one refer to these types of Roman numerals -- "i", "ii", "iii"? Romanettes, of course. I thought everyone knew this, esp. someone who's probably spent the past couple of decades, if not more, reading, writing, and referring to them.

I dunno. Am I expect too much?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Synergy Fail

I'd like to meet the brains behind this nonsensical example of synergy, cuz you know when I think G.I. Joe, I think Norton Internet Security and vice versa:

Not that the whole "synergy" thing in the corporate context isn't completely bollocks anyway; but i found this example particularly egregious.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


And I thought *I* had a gummy smile.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Casu Marzu -- WTF???

I thought I loved all things Italian, at least with respect to food. That is until I read about casu marzu, i.e. rotten pecorino cheese. I mean I'm all for appreciating cultural differences and traditions, but this goes waaaay too far. I mean anywhere else in the world one would know that one's food is nass and rotty cuz it's populated by maggots, but in Sardinia that's how one knows that one's casu marzu is ready to eat. They actually want the little buggers in there! They want flies to infest the cheese and lay their eggs there, so that their larval spawns will eat their way throughout the cheese leaving broken-down digested fats that is the essence of casu marzu. Btw, you'd know that your casu marzu was bad if all the maggots are dead. how's that for irony? As if all that isn't bad enough, the maggots don't always die when you eat them (yes, you eat them with the "cheese") since they can survive stomach acid, they *can* live on in your stomach for some time causing lacerations with their nasty little mouthhooks. O_O!!!

Wanna watch the whole nass process of how the cheese is made and consumed? Click here if you're sure.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hot or Not: Kara DioGuardi's decision to expose her ear(s)

Hmmm, not the best look. Let's try to keep those puppies covered. (Is it just me or are they freakishly large? At least the one that's visible.)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Turkey with Boob




Pigeon Valley, Cappadocia:


Monday, July 13, 2009

Adventures in sleep

The b scared herself awake by the sound of her own barking (well, more like chirping) while asleep.

Upon waking, she looked around looking for the culprit, got up from her nest, gave it one backwards glance filled with suspicion, and slowly walked away to another part of the couch.

She is now at the opposite end of the couch, safely ensconced in another nest.


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Likes and Dislikes: Food Edition -- update no. 2

Follow up to this and this...

The baby loves:

hormone-free, organic chicken
cheese -- mozzarella, cheddar, parmesan, gouda
rawhide chew sticks
non-fat yogurt
free-range organic egg yolks
dried seaweed
peanut butter (esp. in the form of a pbj sammich)
oranges and tangerines (but only if slightly masticated)
wellness pure rewards jerky
cat food (wet and dry) and treats
freeze-dried beef
frozen bananas
various fish -- salmon, eel, turbot, flounder, sole, tuna and sardines

The baby likes:

kibble (depending on the day)
soy cheese
peaches & nectarines (slightly masticated)
bananas (mushed and pulp-ed up)
blueberries (skinned)
freeze-dried beef liver

The baby dislikes:

kibble (depending on the day)
Milk Bones and most dog biscuits
grapes (thank goodness, despite Enn's best efforts)
carbonated drinks

What the baby loves but can't have:

popcorn (allergic reaction -- lots of ensuing itchiness)
wet dog food
the faux meat that I eat

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Mon Dieu, le sandwich

In as many weeks there's been these articles in US papers regarding the uptick in the popularity of sandwiches in France, especially as this rise coincides with the decline of traditional lunchtime dining. Makes me wonder if Americans are doing more hand-wringing than the French over what is being lost, i.e. romanticized images of three-hour lunches along the Seine. Next.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Pros and Cons of Working From Home


+ get to work in my pjs or whatever else I choose to wear or not wear
+ don't have to deal with teeming masses
+ working when I want


+ getting guilted by the b (this is what I see when I turn around -- pretty much all the time):

+ succumbing to Memphis's hypnotic stare:

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Pet Peeve No. 3

The Godfather theme being blared out as a car horn. And this is how you do it:

People, really??? Is this really necessary???

Sadly, some of my neighbors think so since I hear this stupid sound pretty much every day outside my windows.

Monday, June 15, 2009


I've been trying to take more pics of Memphis esp. when the lighting is good because of requests from some quarters clamoring for more kitty porn. However, someone had other ideas.

Can you see the him now?

Oh, you need me to move? Ok, how about now?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Midday Nap

So, while I'm working/surfing, both the baby and Memphis are taking a midday nap. Though for them midday nap usually means sleeping between the hours of 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. -- with short breaks for fetch or string in between.

With that said, sometimes I wonder what they're thinking when they're dreaming their days away, especially when I hear the baby chirping away. And then there are those times were I wonder what they're thinking, period. For example, I'd like to know how in the world this particular angle can possibly be comfortable???

Admittedly, this line of questioning usually only applies to the baby as Memphis has a more conventional form of sleep:

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Thursday, May 21, 2009

B.R. 5/21/09 -- Upset Stummy

Today was marked by the baby's continued upset stomach. I knew she/we was/were in for a tough day when I first heard the churn-y, squirty sounds emanating from her tummy. The day proceeded as such: She'd rest, then we'd play, and then she'd look kinda confused and shortly thereafter she would disappear. If I ever wondered where she'd gone, all would be explained by the squirty, squishy sounds coming from the bathroom. I'd have to be careful and listen for my cue to enter -- that is, the sound of her paws scratching on her wee pad -- or else she might run out of the bathroom with stuff stuck to her bum. Once I didn't follow her quickly enough and she ran out to the living room wherein she began to do her butt-scoot. And that was the second (of three) Flor tiles that I had to clean today. Some days, like today, I'm ever so thankful that I went with Flor as opposed to a regular rug. So.Thank.Ful.

Sadly for the baby she has had nothing to eat today but Nutri-cal. She hated it. Absolutely loathed it with every inch of her teeny frame. But what can she do. Nothing, that's what. And the reason is because I don't want her keeling over from hypoglycemia cuz she didn't eat all day.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for her (and the Flor tiles).

Meanwhile, Memphis is his happy-go-lucky self; and he may have been even happier than usual because he didn't have to share any of his wet food. He did, however, have a bad kitty moment tonight when he tried to steal the baby's dinner.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


The b knows how to chill, that's for sure.

Though, is it just me or are other people also curious as to why dogs like to rest/sleep with their leggies pointing straight out?

You know, like zombie arms. Specifically, I'm thinking about Chinese zombies a/k/a 僵屍 (jiang shi) since they're known for their straight-armed posin'.

Alternately, anyone else reminded of double-legged Third Reich, Hitler saluts?

Am I right, or am I right?

Friday, May 15, 2009

Chihuahuas of the Air (redux)

In my ever-constant search for the chihuahua-equivalent of flying animals, I'd forgotten to that there are more flight-capable animals than birds. Duh. Anyway, I present to you the Honduran White Bat (Ectophylla alba) a/k/a small cottonballs of cuteness:

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Memphis was a bitz last night

Of late, Mister Mister has taken to mewing rather loudly in the middle of the night while he wanders from room to room. I don't know what the problem is but I'm hoping that this behavior will be short-lived. As it is, he's being quite the bitz by constantly waking the the other denizens of our little abode at all hours of the night. Anyway, let's hope for his sake that there will be fewer instances caterwauling, cuz if he doesn't, I'll have to introduce him to my little friend -- the squirt bottle.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Baraklingon, or fun with Photoshop

From today's NYT --->

Also captioned, "Trekkies, er, Trekkers... we are everywhere."

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Catching Up

Readers will be happy to hear that the animuls are safe and sound. As promised, I've returned from being out of town for the past couple of weeks. Part of the for the reason seen in the footage below:

I have to admit that the whole thing was a bit surreal seeing my little sister getting hitched. That's the thing, I suppose... that is, no matter what, I'll always think of her as my little sister:

Monday, May 4, 2009

Memphis isn't safe either

In case anyone thought that Memphis is safe while the b is being menaced, well, I'm sad to report that he hasn't escaped unscathed.

Oh. The. Humanity.

Don't worry animuls. I shall return in a couple of days.

Until then...

good luck.

Menaced (again!)

Poor baby. Imma have to find a more reliable babysitter next time:

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


So scared.

She looks so scared.

Well, who wouldn't... especially when Enn takes her shoes and socks off.

Poor baby and her superior olfactory skills.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

B.R. 4/18/09 --Sunny Edition

The baby and Memphis were somewhat upset with me this morning since I didn't wake up until a few hours after I should've -- well, what do they expect when I didn't get to bed until after 4 a.m.? Anyway, their annoyances melted when I finally roused myself and started playing their respective games. That is, fetch with the baby and string on a stick with Memphis; though I think Memphis could've done without the game as he seemed mostly interested in getting some food (he quit playing as soon as he saw me grab his food bowl). After a quick breaky and a showee for me, the baby and I went for a walk to enjoy our early blast of Spring.

It was a beautiful day out, and the baby and I had a terrific time seeing everyone and their piaps out. It's hard to believe that it was like this just a few weeks ago:

That said, we had to cut our walk somewhat short because someone wasn't used to the heat and exertion and was panting even before we hit our first mile. Said someone is currently napping -- after she had a treat and some water first, of course.

Monday, April 13, 2009

B.R. 4/13/09 -- a fruity day

Thanks to the baby I awoke nice and early this morning. I dunno why but she's taken to waking up with the sun, and then insisting that I wake up shortly thereafter. Lucky she's cute (and I wanted to get up early) or else I'd have chucked something at her. As always she was very excited to see me up and about, and proceeded to jump back onto the bed to lick Memphis in the face so as to share the joy with him. After a rousing game of fetch (baby) and string on a stick (Memphis), we had breaky and then everyone except for me proceeded to nap in the sun. Of course, the baby, being the baby and a dog and therefore always up for some snacking, managed to rouse herself briefly so as to partake in some of my pear; masticated of course. This seemed to be the theme of the day -- eat some fruit with the baby -- because later in the afternoon, the baby insisted on sharing some of my orange, and then tonight, some strawberries. Memphis, however, showed zero interest in anything that's not chicken, fish, beef, or some derivation thereof.

The baby had a nice walk today. Though I think I'll need to ease her back into the whole "walking outside" thing as she's super skittish whenever we run into another dog; even more so than she was last year. As soon as we see another piap, her ears go back, her tail tucks, and she slinks behind me -- even if the other piap is across the street (!) I dunno, but we'll definitely have to work on that.

In the meantime, here's the baby looking rather presidential:

Not to be outdone, here's Memphis giving me his best serious face: