Friday, July 20, 2007

HP Attack

Ephanie and I visited Harry Potter Place in Soho:

We saw lots of adults dressed in age-inappropriate clothing, and lots of children with random crup drawn on their faces. Unfortunately I didn't take any pics of those because I didn't want my camera lens to crack.

We also saw the Knight Bus:

We also took some silly pictures of ourselves as HP. Unfortunately I was looking the wrong way so the picture looked as if I have a broken neck. However the worst part was that while we were stuck in line waiting for the photos Scholastic began live-streaming JKR's reading of Book 7. I began humming like a crazy person. Damn you Scholastic, damn you.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

morningstar delight

well let's see, what did i do today. well, first i spent a couple hours browsing my favorite harry potter fan sites looking for more interesting tidbits about my favorite book series of all time. no juicy tidbits today, but i made a few more friends on the bulletin boards, too bad they're all too young to travel alone so we can't meet up and hang out.

then enn woke up and was absolutely glowing. i don't know how she manages to look so beautiful when she first wakes up. must be the japanese genes. she is so cute when she is sleppy and watches golden girls with one eye open and one eye closed.

later i cooked up one of my favorite salty treats.

Friday, July 13, 2007

The Media Loves Cop-ShootersKillers

Looks like cop-shooterskillers Dexter Bostick and Robert Ellis are being arraigned today at the Brooklyn Criminal Court. And how do I know? By the 4 news vans parked beneath my windows and the mass of reporters outside the courthouse:

Here's Ch.2 reporting live from the scene:

For those not in the know, Bostick and Ellis are two of three men who are being arraigned on charges related to the shooting of NYPD officers Russel Timoshenko and Herman Yan in Crown Heights during a traffic stop earlier this week.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

What'choo looking at???

Don't know what it is about these birds of prey, but they sure are one suspicious looking bunch.

Personally I think this particular bird looks as if it's been caught doing something.

Um, what dear? No, I didn't eat the mouse. Uh, what's in my talon? Uh, what talon? I mean, uh, nothing. Nothing at all.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Sending out an SOS

I just finished watching about 12 hours of Live Earth. A few observations:

1) Older rockers should look to Jon Bon Jovi and Sting as models for how they should be living their lives -- both have a lot less bloat than most others of their generation, for ex. Nick Rhodes;

2) No one cares about Sydney. Both Bravo and Sundance showed acts from NYC, Rio, Shanghai, Tokyo, Johannesburg, and Hamburg; but neither showed anything from Sydney. Even Keith Urban didn't perform in Sydney but rather NYC (well, actually Giants Stadium in Jersey, but close enough). For crying out loud, they even showed the scientists in Antarctica; and

3) Performers should not be singing ballads in stadiums. Stick with rock anthems, or if you're Madonna songs involving slow gyrating orgy dance routines (starting at 3:44 into the song).

Friday, July 6, 2007

I love vegetables!

Unfortunately that sometimes result in compost-y smelling poots.

Oh well.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


As much as I hate the amount of environmental and monetary waste that goes it producing a large firework display such as the Macy's 4th of July Fireworks I still love the booming insanity of it all. That said, I hate crowds and was hoping to avoid the teeming mass of people by taking in the display from the roof deck of my new building. Unfortunately, after a quick reconnaissance I realized a problem:

Given where the barges are placed I won't be able to see shiz. Oh well. Teeming masses here I come, though hopefully the rain will keep some of them away.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Happy 2/3 Day!!!

Ever since I've started working in my current field I've always like the day before a national holiday because I only have to work 2/3 of a work day. Yay! Sticking it to The Man!

Unfortunately, this will be my last 2/3 Day as I'm switching jobs and my new job will not care about national holidays, bank closures, terrorist acts, national calamities, and so on.

So it's with a heavy heart that I celebrate this my last 2/3 Day. So long 2/3 Days, I'll miss you.