Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Thinking waay too much about food, but I'm not the only one

Sometimes I wonder if I spend too much of my waking hours thinking about what I'm going to be eating next -- something that the B, Memphis and I have in common (though in their case, I hope they aren't wondering as much because really there isn't that much variety in what they're eating day-to-day).

Anyway, I think that's why I enjoy food blogs so much because those freaks are even more food-obsessed than me. Also, every once in a while I'll see something like the chart to the right that makes me smile (even if most of the food offered by these joints are strictly verboten). Still, it's a fun trip down the choose-your-own-adventure-memory-lane.

The original post appeared here.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

B.R. 11/14/09 -- WPB Green Market

After procrastinating for the past three weeks, Olive and I finally made it to the West Palm Beach Green Market. Here's our route. The market is at Second and Narcissus, i.e. the highlighted square.

We were pleasantly surprised. It was bigger -- about two blocks long -- and more varied than I'd been expecting. There were stands selling farm-fresh produce, as as well as local products from honey (!) and alligator meat (which while intriguing made me sad nonetheless). The B was pleasantly surprised that although there were a lot of people and dogs, the ones that we met were all very well-behaved and generally her size. There's nothing the B likes better than to boss around another small dog. That's just how she is.

While there, the B and I shared a berry smoothie; and although she expressed interest in my conch fritters, I was not inclined to share them. Since I'd skipped breakfast, I'd thought about getting something pastry-ish at the green market, but figured that while in Rome.... The fritters were quite tasty, especially when I added, at the insistence of the vendor, "mama's special secret sauce". I don't know whose mama made that sauce or what made it so special secret but it was special delicious.

On our way home, we stopped over at Meyer Amphitheater where the B tried to sniff out the remaining fritters while I people watched:

Generally, the other animals we see on our walks, besides other people out walking their piaps, are small geckos and stray cats, though we only see the latter when we cross the parking lot of this nearby church. There is this boil of hawks (I think though they could be vultures -- it's hard to tell since they're so far away) that I see circling this one particular building downtown, but that's for another day. Anyway, as I was saying, we generally see only a few types of animals, which is why it was so startling when this bird hopped out of a bush right next to us and flew a few feet away to parking lot:

It looks like a cattle egret, but I'm no expert.

That's one thing I haven't gotten used to down there. There are no pigeons, but rather egrets and hawks (maybe vultures).

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The B's plan for New Year's

Enn reports:

"the B fully excepts to have on a new year's hat, noisemaker, and champagne to ring in the new year. she's even planning to have memphis draw decorative patterns on her fur w/ elmer's glue (using his 2 paws) and then she'll roll around in glitter. i think the baby is hoping he will draw hearts, stars, and snowflakes – but he'll probably draw only things he likes: fish, poo, etc. won't the baby be shocked when she looks in the mirror after rolling around in the glitter."

Now, I had some questions about the B's plans:

Me: where is she going to get elmer's glue?

Enn: from a CVS, she says.

Me: and why wouldn't she and memphis just use wet food as the glue?

Enn: b/c she has more class than that, she says.

Guess I got told.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Mysteriously Balding Bear

Not as sad as sad rat>, but pretty sad nonetheless... I give you the mysteriously balding bears of the Leipzig Zoo -- well, one anyway:

I hope their keepers provide them with some coats for the oncoming winter, and maybe some faux skin rugs.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Big Head

Baby Shannon has a big head.


It's true.