Then later, upon my return home, the baby again guilted me into a game. However, she was somewhat lackadaisical about chasing down the toys, which led me to believe that she must've just woken up. My suspicions were confirmed by her frequent yawns. The baby must've been catching up on her beauty sleep during my absence. Hmm. To wake her up, I took the baby on an early evening stroll. As indicated by our route, the stroll turned out to be somewhat abbreviated because (1) it was still quite hot and humid so I didn't want to overexert the baby, and (2) the ground was still warm to the touch. On the way back I took care to walk the baby on sidewalks with lots of tree-cover as well as grass (even if it took us through a slightly busier route).
Live baby update: After an abortive attempt to get me to play, the baby has taken to her pillow and has shut her eyes. A short while ago, we were playing her new game of tip-the-glass-for-treats as demonstrated below.

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