Two notes of interest from our walk this evening. Firstly, the baby and I encountered a miniature dachshund who was about her size named "Lucky" who wanted to say "hi" to the baby while we were on the Promenade. The baby, who is not really into other dogs, did not greet Lucky with open paws but rather snarled which sent Lucky scampering away. I was somewhat e, but the baby, who is normally quite shy/scared around other dogs -- so much so that her tail usually goes from an upright position to a lower, not quite between her leggies position -- seemed quite proud of herself as her tail started wagging manically. This crazed tail-wagging continued until we ran into two slightly larger dogs a few minutes later. Oh well. Secondly, the baby went off-leash! We played tag! In Cadman Plaza! Well, we kinda played tag -- it was basically the baby running in circles around me, daring me to catch her. I wasn't so concerned that she'd bolt and run away, because she always been very good about sticking right by me wherever we go and seems to look to me for security. Also, the park was semi-enclosed so even if she did wander off, she couldn't have wandered off into the street. And, we'd played a version of this type of tag before in the hallways, where she circles me like a piap on crack but will come to me when I tell her to. Anyway, I was v proud of the baby, and she was proud of herself because her tail was upright and wagging both throughout the game and also afterward as we were on our way home. I should mention that for a good period before the game, her tail had been tucked under because some loud trucks and an unexpected garage door had put the fright in her.
Live baby report: She's been trying to get my attention for the past 20 minutes or so, circling my chair and looking at me with her big, wet eyes. Now she's lying next to her bone and pleading with her eyes. I guess we're playing fetch now.
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