While on my way home, I stopped by the local natural foods store to stock up on some rawhides for the little baby. She'd just about gone through the last batch and was down to about a 3-inch bit by this morning. I never quite like it when she gets down to the nibs with the rawhide sticks because one never knows when she may decide to get fancy and try to swallow it. Anyway, upon my return home, the baby seemed quite eager to play (unlike this morning) and so we did. Then she did the dance of joy while I made her dinner (unlike this morning). Afterwards, she did another dance when she saw the new pack of rawhide sticks. Then, after getting a good start on a new stick, we walked Enn to the train station and then continued onto our nightly stroll.
Live baby update: She's running back and forth between the l-room and the b-room. The reason? A few minutes ago I turned to see what the baby was doing and she was in her play pose and pawing at a little speck that I thought was a piece of fuzz. Upon closer inspection I realized said speck was in fact an insect! The baby is ridic. She won't play with other dogs but she wants to play with a bug. Anyway I took said bug and threw it in the toilee. Now the baby is running to and from looking for her little friend:

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