Wednesday, June 11, 2008

B.R. 6/11/08 (abbrev.)

The baby was actually excited about another dog! Will wonders never cease. On our way out of the building today, the baby and I encountered another little chi -- a sandy-brown, long-haired girl who was maybe 2/3 of the baby's size (so I'm going to guess a little 3.5-4lb teeny pup). Anyway, the baby, who until now has never gotten excited over another piap actually got excited enough tug on her leash as she moseyed with waggy-tailed excitement over to the little pup. Of course her excitement melted when the little long-haired pup got hip to the baby and turned around to do her own sniffing. As soon as the other puppy got interested, the baby backed off. That said, I'm nonetheless encouraged that one day the baby may have her own puppy friends -- so long as they were smaller and calmer than her; a tall order!

Anyway, the baby and I had a nice walk with a slightly different route. It's about 10-15 degrees cooler than the last few nights so that made a big difference. The baby seemed much more enthusiastic throughout the walk, and I wasn't drenched in sweat. Hopefully, this "cool" spell will last or the baby and I will be taking some late evening walks for the next couple of months. She'll probably like that as we'll encounter fewer dogs.

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